Artículos - Publicaciones List

Macroalgas marinas bentónicas de ambientes insulares en la zona de transición biótica del Atlántico mexicano
21 Octubre 2024

Planarias del Golfo de México. Joyas del fondo del mar

Sponges (Porifera) associated with the decorator crab Macrocoeloma nodipes (Desbonne in Desbonne & Schramm, 1867): three new records for Mexican waters
11 marzo 2025

Unveiling the diversity of macrobenthic crustaceans on sandy beaches of the eastern Mexican coast: new records and an updated checklist
06 febrero 2025

Topology Testing and Demographic Modeling Illuminate a Novel Speciation Pathway in the Greater Caribbean Sea Following the Formation of the Isthmus of Panama
23 julio 2024

Macroalgae of the Campeche Bank, Gulf of Mexico
17 Diciembre 2024

Polyclads (Platyhelminthes) in the southern Gulf of Mexico: unveiling biodiversity and descriptions of two new species
13 Diciembre 2024

Competition is stronger between than within species in two coexisting hermit crab species
29 Agosto 2024

Bivalves from the Gulf of Mexico: updated information to complete the puzzle
8 Agosto 2024

A new morphotype description of Arbacia spatuligera Valenciennes, 1846 (Arbacioida, Echinoidea) and bathymetric range extension from mesophotic reefs of the central coast of Chile
10 Mayo 2024

Photosynthetic animals and where to find them: abundance and size of a solar-powered sea slug in different light conditions
6 Octubre 2023

Modeling the potential spread of the non-native regal demoiselle, Neopomacentrus cyanomos, in the western Atlantic
1 Abril 2024

Marine Bioprospecting: Enzymes and Stress Proteins from the Sea Anemones Anthopleura dowii and Lebrunia neglecta
23 de Diciembre 2023

Phylogenomics and systematics of botryllid ascidians, and implications for the evolution of allorecognition
04 Diciembre 2023

Geographic range size and species morphology determines the organization of sponge host-guest interaction networks across tropical coral reefs
24 Noviembre 2023

Does depth divide? Variable genetic connectivity patterns among shallow and mesophotic Montastraea cavernosa coral populations across the Gulf of Mexico and western Caribbean
8 Noviembre 2023

Lista actualizada y nuevos registros de babosas marinas (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) en el Sistema Arrecifal Lobos-Tuxpan, México
27 Febrero 2023

Crustáceos estomatópodos y decápodos en 12 arrecifes coralinos del Golfo de México
17 Abril 2023

First record of the epiphyte sea anemone Bunodeopsis pelagica in the Mexican Atlantic
22 Mayo 2023

Sea slugs (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) associated with Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) in southern Gulf of Mexico and Mexican Caribbean Sea
17 julio 2023
Integrative species delimitation in the common ophiuroid Ophiothrix angulata (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea): insights from COI, ITS2, arm coloration, and geometric morphometrics
17 Julio 2023

Benthic mollusc communities across space and through time in a hypersaline coastal lagoon, Mexico
5 Septiembre 2023

Molluscs along a salinity gradient in a hypersaline coastal lagoon, southern Gulf of Mexico
27 febrero 2023

Sandy Beach Macrofauna of Yucatán State (Mexico) and Oil Industry Development in the Gulf of Mexico: First Approach for Detecting Environmental Impacts
29 de octubre del 2020

A quantitative three-step approach for guiding sandy beach management
08 de septiembre 2022

How does the beach ecosystem change without tourists during COVID-19 lockdown?
21 de enero de 2021

Rediscovering Monogenoids (Platyhelminthes) Parasitizing Pomacentrid and Chaetodontid Fishes from Cayo Arcas Reef, Gulf of Mexico †
16 de noviembre 2022

New Botrylloides, Botryllus, and Symplegma (Ascidiacea: Styelidae) in Coral Reefs of the Southern Gulf of Mexico and Mexican Caribbean Sea
14 de noviembre del 2022

Predator control of marine communities increases with temperature across 115 degrees of latitude
09 de junio de 2022

Depth-Dependent Genetic Structuring of a Depth-Generalist Coral and Its Symbiodiniaceae Algal Communities at Campeche Bank, Mexico
17 de mayo de 2022

Biodiversity and conservation of “solar-powered” sea slugs from the Western Atlantic under climate change scenarios
20 de abril de 2022

Probynia ramiroromani, new species (Isopoda: Bopyridae) and new occurrences of bopyrid isopods parasitizing decapod crustaceans from Mexican Atlantic waters
05 de noviembre de 2021

Evaluation of the Use of Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) for Describing the Species Diversity of Two Coral Reefs in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
12 de Noviembre de 2021

Marine amphipods as a new live prey for ornamental aquaculture: exploring the potential of Parhyale hawaiensis and Elasmopus pectenicrus
10 de febrero de 2021

Pigment and Fatty Acid Heterogeneity in the Sea Slug Elysia crispata Is Not Shaped by Habitat Depth
05 de noviembre de 2021

Phylogeography and genetic diversity of the commercially-collected Caribbean blue-legged hermit crab (Clibanarius tricolor)
18 de marzo de 2021

Marine amphipods (Parhyale hawaiensis) as an alternative feed for the lined seahorse (Hippocampus erectus, Perri 1810): nutritional value and feeding trial
19 de octubre de 2021

An update on the diversity of marine sponges in the southern Gulf of Mexico coral reefs
03 de septiembre de 2021

Biodiversity and biogeographic affinity of benthic amphipods from the Yucatan Shelf: an analysis across the warm Northwest Atlantic ecoregions
02 de agosto de 2021

The Importance of Home Cleaning: Sediment Transport by Alpheid Shrimps Provides a Competitive Advantage to Their Host Anemones
28 de mayo de 2021

Bivalve Diversity on the Continental Shelf and Deep Sea of the Perdido Fold Belt, Northwest Gulf of Mexico, Mexico
12 de abril de 2021

Where is the genus Elysia in the western Atlantic? Potential distribution, species richness and representation in marine protected areas
11 de marzo de 2021

Sponge-dwelling fauna: a review of known species from the Northwest Tropical Atlantic coral reefs
15 de marzo de 2021

Topology Testing and Demographic Modeling Illuminate a Novel Speciation Pathway in the Greater Caribbean Sea Following the Formation of the Isthmus of Panama
25 de enero de 2021

SSP: an R package to estimate sampling effort in studies of ecological communities
29 de enero de 2021
Cold temperature tolerance of the alien Indo-Pacific damselfish Neopomacentrus cyanomos from the Southern Gulf of Mexico
01 marzo de 2020

Phylogeography, population connectivity and demographic history of the Stoplight parrotfish, Sparisoma viride (Teleostei: Labridae), in the Greater Caribbean
03 de enero de 2021

Being Isolated and Protected Is Better Than Just Being Isolated: A Case Study From the Alacranes Reef, Mexico
04 de noviembre de 2020

Latitudinal patterns of species diversity on South American rocky shores: Local processes lead to contrasting trends in regional and local species diversity
01 de junio de 2020

First record and range extension of the Jewel Box clam crab Gemmotheres chamae (Roberts, 1975) to the Gulf of Mexico, with comments on the systematics of the pinnotherines with a 2-segmented palp on the third maxilliped (Crustacea: Brachyura: Pinnotheridae).
06 de marzo de 2020

Influence of bottom environment conditions and hydrographic variability on spatiotemporal trends of macrofaunal amphipods on the Yucatan continental shelf
19 de marzo de 2020

New distribution records of subterranean crustaceans from cenotes in Yucatan (Mexico)
12 de febrero de 2020

Anfípodos bentónicos (Crustacea: Peracarida) del Sistema Arrecifal Sisal y línea de costa, noroeste de la península de Yucatán, golfo de México
10 de febrero de 2020

First record of the white-eye goby, Bollmannia boqueronensis Evermann & Marsh 1899 (Teleostei: Perciformes: Gobiidae) for Mexico
01 de septiembre de 2011
Host selection by the cleaner shrimp Ancylomenes pedersoni: does anemone host species, prior experience or the presence of conspecific matter?
01 de enero de 2012

Population structure and sexual maturity of the calico box crab Hepatus epheliticus Linnaeus (Brachyura, Hepatidae) from Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
01 de junio de 2012

First Inventory of Sea Anemones (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria) of the Mexican Caribbean
01 de noviembre de 2012

Sea slugs (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia) from Campeche Bank, Yucatan, Mexico
01 de diciembre de 2012

Topography and coral community of the Sisal Reefs, Campeche Bank, Yucatán, México
01 de abril de 2013
Records and observations on amphipods (Amphipoda: Gammaridea and Corophiidea) from macrofouling communities in Alacranes Reef, Gulf of Mexico
3 de septiembre de 2018
First record of Ophioderma ensiferum (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) in the southeastern continental shelf of the Gulf of Mexico and in an anchialine cave
23 de agosto de 2018
Sea anemones (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Actiniaria) from coral reefs in the southern Gulf of Mexico
23 de agosto de 2018
New records of caridean shrimps (decapoda, caridea) from shallow waters along the North Yucatan peninsula coasts of Mexico
23 de agosto de 2018
Intertidal amphipods (Amphipoda: Gammaridea and Corophiidea) from Isla Pérez, Alacranes Reef, Gulf of Mexico
23 de agosto de 2018
Morphological and molecular variability of the sea anemone Phymanthus crucifer (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Actiniaria, Actinoidea)
23 de agosto de 2018

Checklist of Fishes from Madagascar Reef, Campeche Bank, México
8 Mayo 2014
New records of alpheid shrimps (Decapoda: Caridea: Alpheidae) in the Southern Coast of Gulf of México
23 de agosto de 2014
New records of marine sponges (Porifera: Demospongiae) from the Gulf of México
23 de agosto de 2018
First records and range extension of Ophioblenna antillensis Lütken, 1859 (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) in the Gulf of Mexico
23 de agosto de 2018
New records of sea anemones (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Actiniaria) in the Mexican Caribbean
23 de agosto de 2018
Sea anemones (Cnidaria: Actiniaria, Corallimorpharia, Ceriantharia, Zoanthidea) from marine shallow-water environments in Venezuela: new records and an updated inventory
01 de marzo de 2016
An Indo-Pacific damselfish well established in the southern Gulf of Mexico: prospects for a wider, adverse invasion
23 de agosto de 2018
New records of the opisthobranchs (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the National Park Arrecife Alacranes, Yucatan, Mexico
23 de agosto de 2018
3D chemoecology and chemotaxonomy of corals using fatty acid biomarkers: Latitude, longitude and depth
23 de agosto de 2018

The fishes of Cayo Arcas (Campeche Bank, Gulf of Mexico): an updated checklist
23 de agosto de 2018
Chitons (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) from Alacranes Reef, Yucatan, Mexico.
23 de agosto de 2018
Morphological variability of the Caribbean hidden anemone" Lebrunia coralligens (Wilson, 1890)"
23 de agosto de 2018
First report of the parasite crustacean Leidya distorta (Isopoda: Bopyridae) on the fiddler crab Uca spinicarpa (Decapoda: Brachyura) in Yucatán coasts, Mexico
3 de septiembre de 2018
The social feather duster worm Bispira brunnea (Polychaeta: Sabellidae): aggregations, morphology and reproduction
23 de agosto de 2018
Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from Alacranes Reef, Gulf of Mexico, Mexico
23 de agosto de 2018
Ordinary kriging vs inverse distance weighting: spatial interpolation of the sessile community of Madagascar reef, Gulf of Mexico
30 Noviembre 2017
Anthopleura dalyae sp. nov. (Cnidaria: Actiniaria), a new species of sea anemone from the southern Gulf of Mexico
23 de agosto de 2018
Species richness and spatial distribution of benthic amphipods (Crustacea: Peracarida) in the Alacranes Reef National Park, Gulf of Mexico
3 de septiembre de 2018
A dataset on the species composition of amphipods (Crustacea) in a Mexican marine national park: Alacranes Reef, Yucatan
03 de septiembre de 2018
An Indo-Pacific damselfish (Neopomacentrus cyanomos) in the Gulf of Mexico: origin and mode of introduction
12 de septiembre de 2018
Record of Tubastraea coccinea on Xestospongia barrel sponge: a new threat to Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico reefs?
23 de agosto de 2018
First survey of Interstitial molluscs from Cayo Nuevo, Campeche Bank, Gulf of Mexico
23 de agosto de 2018
First record of Calliactis tricolor (Le Sueur, 1817) (Cnidaria, Actiniaria, Hormathiidae) in the Veracruz reef system, southwestern Gulf of Mexico
17 de septiembre de 2018
An EPIC journey to locate single-copy nuclear markers in sea anemones
10 de septiembre de 2018
Comparison of cnidae sizes between the two morphotypes of the giant Caribbean sea anemone Condylactis gigantea (Actiniaria: Actiniidae)
2 de mayo de 2019
Variation in species diversity of deep-water megafauna assemblages in the Caribbean across depth and ecoregions
3 de septiembre de 2018
Sea slugs (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) from two remote reefs of the Southern Gulf of Mexico: Cayo Arenas and Cayo Arcas
12 de mayo de 2019
Checklist of ascidians from the southern Gulf of Mexico
12 de mayo de 2019
Reef-associated fishes from the offshore reefs of western Campeche Bank, Mexico, with a discussion of mangroves and seagrass beds as nursery habitats
05 de diciembre de 2019
A metadata approach to evaluate the state of ocean knowledge: Strengths, limitations, and application to Mexico
27 de junio de 2019
On the presence of Charybdis (Charybdis) hellerii (A. Milne-Edwards, 1867) on the Mexican coast of the Gulf of Mexico
10 de septiembre de 2019
Effect of starvation on survival and biochemical profile of newborn juvenile lined seahorses, Hippocampus erectus (Perry, 1810)
29 de septiembre de 2019
Effect of a gradually increasing temperature on the behavioral and physiological response of juvenile Hippocampus erectus: thermal preference, tolerance, energy balance and growth
23 de octubre de 2019
Spatial assessment of the vulnerability of benthic communities to multiple stressors in the Yucatan Continental Shelf, Gulf of Mexico
22 de octubre de 2019
Reef-associated fishes from the offshore reefs of western Campeche Bank, Mexico
09 de mayo de 2019